Irony. Packaged in a nutshell

me? a walking pillow. if you can live with that. i am always around.

Friday, June 30, 2006


Aite. Wasnt angsty. Just wanted to try out something over here.

And you put a value to my head
As you shoved dirt to me while i was hungry
Maybe i was that unwanted child
And that you wanted to end things, live on so to speak
ending my life in red gauze and vaccum pipes
So i could taste life , taste pain
And your will be done , the rope burns were still there
So Eat me while you cast a shadow over my little cell.

For I am now gone. And I forgive you.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Write on the dotted line. Please.

Missives. Always sinister
Always meaningless
Always missing

And latent emotions touch.
Mix into ungrateful pot luck
Sandy legs with sediment sentiment

Always sinister

And as the cameraman sets contrast.
Prison Clothes adorned. Black and White.
Lately, the clouds have only sung sadly.

Always meaningless

With a mad toothy grin
Purged and heavily sedated
His eyes linger through the haze.

Pot luck. And he drinks in happily.

Always missing.
