Irony. Packaged in a nutshell

me? a walking pillow. if you can live with that. i am always around.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


UB welcomes international students who are prepared to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities offered by a top-quality university. Students are admitted to UB on a competitive basis. Most admitted freshmen students have an overall secondary school average of 85% ("B" average) or better; most rank in the top 25% or higher of their secondary school graduating class; and most have a combined SAT I score of 1,100 or higher.
Most successful students at UB have taken a university preparatory curriculum in secondary school. The following courses are not required for admission to UB, but are suggested as adequate preparation for university-level coursework:
4 years of English (with a substantial writing component) -- @)!$(*@()*$!@$
4 years of social studies
3 years of college-preparatory science
3 years of college-preparatory mathematics