Out of sight, Out of mind
New angst to clear the cobwebs. I am fine. really. More to come.
Out of sight, Out of mind
The more i try my best to put a name to what i do each day,
The more this strange strange well of sadness seems to come.
Sometimes , it sounds like music
Stuff made of chords , tabs and little crazies.
The others , feel like noise, to an uncertain mind.
I would put each little memory into a glass case
Mimicing a ivory tower to reach the sky,
to feel for a silver lining.
Only to come crashing down on throes of anti-climax.
Like how i am, now.
I tried to listen to myself today.
I gave each of my memories ,a grave.
One labeled happiness, another sadness, etc.
(sic) - and i attach a sticker tag, with a ribbon on the end.
Me, myself and I.
No self, No denial ,No ambitious cravings
Of piece bits of maligned betrayal.
To myself? I ask.
Or to a memory of myself , i attached a ribbon to?
Decrypt , and i might feel happier.
Encrypt , and perhaps i might find myself
safe , in the arms of lady lucid dreams
Whose constant visitations
fray my bit-pieced encryption
complete with the ribbon.
Out of sight, Out of mind
The more i try my best to put a name to what i do each day,
The more this strange strange well of sadness seems to come.
Sometimes , it sounds like music
Stuff made of chords , tabs and little crazies.
The others , feel like noise, to an uncertain mind.
I would put each little memory into a glass case
Mimicing a ivory tower to reach the sky,
to feel for a silver lining.
Only to come crashing down on throes of anti-climax.
Like how i am, now.
I tried to listen to myself today.
I gave each of my memories ,a grave.
One labeled happiness, another sadness, etc.
(sic) - and i attach a sticker tag, with a ribbon on the end.
Me, myself and I.
No self, No denial ,No ambitious cravings
Of piece bits of maligned betrayal.
To myself? I ask.
Or to a memory of myself , i attached a ribbon to?
Decrypt , and i might feel happier.
Encrypt , and perhaps i might find myself
safe , in the arms of lady lucid dreams
Whose constant visitations
fray my bit-pieced encryption
complete with the ribbon.